<aside> ⚠️ Check your freeze dryer settings before running your first batch. – ****Unplugging your freeze dryer might change its settings – Check the units (°F and °C) on your device and the shelf temps – Check any other custom parameters you had – The last thing we want is for you to accidentally run the wrong settings

If your numbers (temps/mTorr) are different on your screen an your HashyLink app, send us a message and we’ll fix it.


Let’s get your HashyLink set up

  1. Turn off and unplug your freeze dryer
  2. Get access to the internals of your freeze dryer via the top or side panel
  3. Carefully remove the standard grey 20-pin ribbon cable
  4. Plug HashyLink into the two slots you just freed up
  5. Visit the HashyMonitoring app to start onboarding


We’ve included a bunch of reference images in Opening Your Freeze Dryer to guide you through installation on your specific model. Be sure to toggle the headlines below if you want to check out some pictures. We’ll be adding videos soon.
